The third batch, the largest yet for the All-Uniform Training Academy (AUTA), is gearing up for training. Since screening began, KCIC has gathered candidates from various districts and areas of Karnataka through multiple rounds. From day one, KCIC has diligently conducted screenings, ensuring a diverse selection of candidates. Now, this new batch is ready to undergo training, marking a significant step in the expansion of AUTA. 

On May 24, 2024, in Mysore, Karnataka, there was a screening led by AUTA trainers and Miss Sulochna from the Social Welfare Department. It started early and finished by the afternoon, with Miss Sulochna overseeing it carefully. This organized event not only evaluated the participants but also demonstrated the dedication of the Social Welfare Department and PETC. Over 30 candidates were chosen from the screening. It was a well-planned process, highlighting the joint efforts of the departments involved in selecting suitable candidates. Not only this, KCIC conducted another round of screening because of the interested students who wanted to join. 

On May 27, 2024, in Bangalore, Karnataka, the second screening occurred. This change in location encouraged more people from diverse areas to take part in the screening. The screening began with paperwork: participants filled out forms, showed IDs, and signed papers. Then, they queued for medical tests. Each person underwent a thorough examination. These tests were crucial for assessing participants’ physical health and suitability. By organizing the tests carefully, the organizers ensured a fair selection process, finding candidates who met the requirements. The outcome was great as some girls also showed interest in uniform training and registered for the new batch. KCIC registered over 200 students for this third batch. They organized their first large-scale physical screening, which was a success. Following this, KCIC warmly welcomed all candidates to the training center. It was a significant achievement, with the increased participation and successful screening indicating a positive response to the program and its opportunities. 

After interacting with the candidates, they expressed great excitement and confidence upon seeing the setups and facilities provided by KCIC. They were particularly impressed with the quality of food, cleanliness, comfortable beds, recreational equipment, and the presence of skilled coaches and guides. In addition to physical activities, KCIC also offers indoor classes in subjects like English, General Knowledge, Science, and Mathematics. The candidates mentioned that they appreciated the flexibility provided by KCIC, as they could take breaks to solely focus on their studies if needed, especially during exam times. This comprehensive support system boosts their morale and ensures they have the resources and environment to excel in their training and academic pursuits. 

In addition to the academic and training support, KCIC also ensures entertainment for the candidates. They frequently organize fun games, dance programs, and various recreational activities. Recently, during the India vs Pakistan cricket match, Major Sanjay Mehrotra provided projectors and sound systems for the candidates to enjoy the game together. It was a memorable experience as everyone, including guides, students, and staff, sat together, enjoying the match equally. These initiatives not only provide a break from the rigorous training schedule but also foster a sense of camaraderie and unity among the participants. It creates an environment where everyone can relax, unwind, and bond over shared interests and experiences. 

KCIC is now concentrating on enhancing the skills of the 3rd batch. They’re planning to introduce more training programs and activities to further develop the candidates. In the upcoming days, we can expect to see a variety of new additions aimed at upskilling the participants and preparing them for their future endeavors. 

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