“Every worthwhile accomplishment, big or little has its stages of drudgery and triumph: a beginning, a struggle, and a victory” are the famous lines by the Father of our Nation Mahatma Gandhi proving this amidst cheers and applause, 61 candidates belonging to SC/ST communities proudly marched, marking the successful completion of their rigorous uniform training at the All-Uniform Training Academy (AUTA) KCIC. On the 11th and 12th of May 2024 a grand event was organised at AUTA to mark the successful completion of 2 months training for the second batch. 

The eve of 11th May marked the beginning of a two-day graduation ceremony which was very well organised by team AUTA and its cadets.  The event was graced by Commodore Sujay Kapoor as the Chief Guest and Special Guest Lt. Commandant Rinku Kapoor. Director of Training Major Sanjay Mehrotra, and Dr. Syed from M H Hospital Alipur where among the dignitaries. Ex-army officers NB Subedar Lalbabu, Hawaldar Balbinder Singh, Hawaldar Gurjeet Singh, and NB Subedar Surendra Kumar in attendance, along with Coach Tirathraj. 

The ceremony commenced with a thorough inspection of all five groups by Major Sanjay Mehrotra, setting a tone of precision and discipline. The march past by the candidates followed a breathtaking display of unity, power, and skill. Each cadet marched with pride and determination, showcasing the rigorous training they had undergone. The atmosphere was charged with a sense of accomplishment and the cadets’ dedication was palpable, leaving a lasting impression on all in attendance. 

After the successful completion of the march past, the cadets were presented with the flag in a ceremonial manner, symbolizing the transfer of authority and responsibility. This flag ceremony is a solemn and significant tradition, signifying the cadets’ official entry into their role of uniformed services. The flag, representing honour and pride, was handed over to the cadets with great reverence, emphasizing the values and ideals they are expected to uphold in their service. The cadets’ acceptance of the flag signifies their commitment to their duties and to serving their community and country with integrity and dedication. 

Each team participated in a variety of games throughout the two-month training period, fostering teamwork and camaraderie among the cadets. One of the highlights of the first day was an arm-wrestling competition, which served as a spirited start to the series of games and activities. Games such as kabaddi, volleyball, and others were organized, providing the cadets with opportunities to showcase their physical prowess and competitive spirit. These games were not just about physical fitness but also about building bonds and friendships among the cadets, enhancing their overall training experience. 

Major Sanjay Mehrotra and Coach Tirathraj delivered inspiring speeches, highlighting the cadets’ journey, emphasizing the importance of discipline and dedication in their future roles. The cadets, visibly emotional, spoke highly about their experiences and stay at AUTA, KCIC. They expressed gratitude for the valuable lessons learned, the friendships forged, and the personal growth achieved during their time at the academy. Their heartfelt speeches reflected the deep impact AUTA, KCIC had on their lives, inspiring them to strive for excellence in their future endeavours. 

After the parade and flag-giving ceremony, the cadets and officers participated in the “Bada Khana,” a traditional practice where everyone, regardless of rank, eats together at the same place and time. This practice holds great significance as it symbolizes unity, camaraderie, and mutual respect among the cadets and officers. During the Bada Khana, special food is prepared, often consisting of dishes that hold cultural or regional significance. The meal is served in a communal setting, emphasizing the idea of sharing and togetherness. This practice is not just about sharing a meal; it is a way for cadets and officers to bond, share experiences, and build relationships that go beyond their official duties. During the Bada Khana, the cadets gave heartfelt speeches that were particularly special for both the trainers and the trainees. As a token of their appreciation and respect, the candidates presented Major Sanjay Mehrotra with a portrait that they had collectively made. This gesture was deeply meaningful, symbolizing the bond and respect they had developed for their trainer. The portrait represented not only their gratitude but also their commitment to carry forward the values and lessons learned during their training. After the formal ceremonies and speeches, the cadets and trainers participated in an extracurricular activity, a dance program. This program provided a light-hearted and enjoyable way to conclude the event, allowing everyone to unwind and celebrate together. 

The following day i.e. on 12th of May 2024, the cadets gathered in the hall at 9 A.M, where they were individually awarded their training completion certificates by Major Sanjay Mehrotra. This moment was significant as it officially marked the end of their training and the beginning their journey of uniformed services. The cadets were presented with tracksuits adorned with the logos of KCIC, PETC, and AUTA on the back, symbolizing their affiliation with AUTA. After completing their training at AUTA KCIC, some of the cadets chose to pursue corporate jobs and were successfully placed, reflecting the diverse career paths available to them. Others opted to continue their studies, furthering their education and expertise in their respective fields. These decisions showcased the versatility and adaptability of the cadets, highlighting their readiness to excel in a variety of roles and environments. 

After the final speeches and certificate distribution, the cadets had a great time at Hi-Tea, a casual and social gathering where they could relax and celebrate their accomplishments. This informal setting allowed them to reflect on their experiences, bond with their fellow cadets, and bid farewell to their trainers and mentors, creating lasting memories of their time at AUTA KCIC. 

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