Come let’s know how the selected candidates of SC/ST spend their day at AUTA. The day starts before the sunrise at All Uniform Training Academy (AUTA). The cadets wake up early in the morning and get ready to challenge the day well before the sun rises in the horizon. Sharp at 6AM they gather at the ground for headcount. Once all gather and attendance is done, the cadets day begins by a long jog of 5 kms. Then they go for PT and groundwork with obstacle training which makes them strong physically and mentally to face the day and make them fit for uniform services. The early morning physical session completes by 7:15 AM. After the vigorous morning session 7:15 AM to 8:30 AM it is the time to fresh up and head to dining hall for breakfast. After the completing physical session, the cadets will have the healthy and nutritious breakfast cooked at the efficient kitchen by best cooks of AUTA. The breakfast gives them the energy for the day. Then the cadets will move ahead to practice the basic drills at ground from 8:30 AM to 10:00 AM. At 10 AM they have short and fulfilled tea break. 

After morning physical training breakfast and tea break, the cadets are all set to attend the knowledge and skill enhancing personality development and motivational classroom sessions by the highly experienced and elite training team of AUTA. Morning 10:20AM to 12:30 AM they have the classroom sessions at the nature friendly classrooms of AUTA which adds on to the overall development of cadets. After finishing their physical training and classroom sessions most of the important tasks of the day are complete. 12:30 PM to 01:30 PM is the lunch time it is when the cadets enjoy their hygienically prepared balanced meal with their friends at the large and well-ventilated dining hall surrounded by nature. 01:30 PM to 03:30 PM the cadets get back to the dormitory. They take rest after completing half a day’s activities and get recharged for the next half of the day. 

After a short nap cadets get ready for the further activities. 03:30 PM to 05:30 PM the cadets have time for self-study it is when they can give time to their hobby also, then they have online classes related to the course. After the cognitive development session. It’s time to play they keep their study materials and reach the ground to play the games of their interest like Volleyball, Tug of war and practice athletics. Likewise, they uphold their sprit of sportsmanship and healthy competition from 05:30 PM to 06:30 PM. After games it’s the time to refresh from 06:30 PM to 07:00 PM. Exactly at 07:00 PM cadets gather for the Roll call by 07:30 PM the roll call will be over. 07:30 PM to 08:30 PM the cadets enjoy the delicious supper and spend time with the friends over the dining table the true moments of joy after the complete day’s toil. 

 After dinner the cadets walk back to the dormitory from 08:30 PM to 09:00 PM they can talk to their parents over a phone call it’s the time to connect with the family and share the stories from both the sides. 09:00 PM to 10:00 PM is the time to self-study cadets read things of their interest and things relates to the classroom sessions before they sleep. 10 o Clock it’s time to switch off the lights and go to bed.  

This how the cadets spend their whole day from dawn till dusk at AUTA in disciplined way following the timetable and allotting proper time to all the activities required to make them fit for uniform services. Their life is nurtured in a proper way at AUTA, away from all the distractions faced by youth outside so that they can be the better version of themselves when they complete their training.   

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